Are you an internet marketer looking for more traffic? If so…

“Here’s An In-Depth Review of Traffic Endgame by Tim Ikels”

We dive deep and let you know if it’s worth it or not…

…So before you spend any time joining them, you’ve got to read every single word of this post.

Hello fellow Marketer,

We all know that traffic is the lifeblood of any internet-based business. You could have the most powerful sales funnel, the most incredible website, or the hottest e-commerce store BUT…

If you don’t have any traffic flowing to it you aren’t going to make any sales, conversions, or income!

There is literally a whole cottage industry of “How To Get More Traffic” offers available online. Perhaps you’ve already purchased or taken part in a few of them. So now you’ve run across Traffic Endgame and you’re considering getting it.

Sure the landing page looks good with some slick copy and a compelling pair of proof screenshots. But how does the actual content stack up? Well, I have joined Traffic Endgame and will break down everything that’s available giving you a peak behind the curtain. This way you’ll be able to make an informed decision if you want to get it or not.

With that said, let’s get started with our deep dive into Traffic Endgame:

Traffic Endgame In-Depth Review

It’s basically your standard marketing funnel with a front-end offer, a few bonuses, and 3 upsells. Classic internet marketing stuff and what you’d come to expect from any seasoned marketer. There is a slight twist though in that the front-end offer is a FREE offer.  While not typical in this industry Tim makes use of the free front-end in many of his products.

In this review, we’ll take a close look at the content of each part of this offer and present it to you so you will be able to decide if it’s worth it for you.

Main Training

This is the bread and butter of Traffic Endgame. This is where the method is revealed and you learn all about how to drive more traffic. It’s made up of 8 videos. So let’s go over each one.

Video #1 – Overview

In this video, Tim gives an overview of how all businesses online basically can be divided into two components. Traffic and Offers. Of course, it goes a little deeper than that and he breaks it down by asking where does the traffic come from? How does the traffic get driven to the offer? And finally what offers do we drive the traffic to?

He also goes into how it can feel being new to internet marketing with all the terms, tactics, and strategies out there. I can relate to this as I remember what it was when I first started out on my internet marketing journey, and I think it’s something every internet marketer goes through. There’s just so much info out there it’s easy to get overloaded and put yourself on the product-buying hamster wheel.

Video #2 – The Ultimate Traffic Source

He starts by going into the “How” first. He says it’s the most important part of the traffic generation process. Then he reveals what the ultimate traffic source is…

It’s email!

He says all the super affiliates on Warrior+, JVZoo, Clickbank, and even CPA marketers use their email lists to generate massive sales. Obviously, the next question is “How do I build an email list?” He promises to get into that in a later video. Next, he wants to focus on the “Offers” side of the equation…

Video #3 – Full Circle – What Converts Best

He starts by saying the answer to what converts best will depend on the niche and traffic source. He then reveals his formula for determining which offers will convert the best for a specific email list. Next, he goes over a simple way to find out exactly what your list wants to buy.

He then goes into why you should consider using affiliate marketing as a vendor. This means you would have your own offer and ask affiliates to promote it on their lists since email is king. Then he reveals why you want to own every part of the process and maintain complete control over your business.

Video #4 – 3 Best Ways

Here he reveals the top 3 free and fastest ways to build your email list. They are:

1. Creating your own offers and having affiliates promote for you
2. Creating product reviews in a helpful and unique way
3. Creating helpful “How To” niche-related content

He then goes into more detail about each of these and how they work.

Video #5 – Maximum Leverage, Or: Product Creation In A Nutshell

He admits that many of his students aren’t ready to create their own products, but hopefully he can change that. He goes into the 6 six reasons why you need to own your own product. Then he reveals the 10 steps to creating your own product. He then reveals a simple mindset shift you must make if you’re going to be successful online.

Video #6 – The Perfect Grind: Product Reviews

It’s called the perfect grind because A) it is a grind that requires a lot of
content to be made, but it’s the best kind of content that you can release
because it gets you sales. He talks about another free course of his called Lazy
Commissions that goes into more detail about using product reviews for affiliate marketing.  If interested in taking a look it – check it out here. I highly recommend it.

Video #7 – The Builder – Creating Helpful Content

He admits that this approach takes a bit of time, it’s at least a several-month commitment. It’s all about creating helpful content, either videos on Youtube or articles on Google. He gives an example of a marketer’s Youtube channel that he feels exemplifies this approach. He also gives a couple examples of helpful content he’s personally created. One of which is his book notes which I think is pretty cool, while not quite a full review it gives you enough information to do more digging if you wish. Quite helpful content in my opinion.

Video #8 – Conclusion and Next Steps

He concludes the main course with thanking the purchaser. He also shows off some of his other offers including “Lazy Commissions” which is a very good course on affiliate marketing which I highly recommend and goes hand in hand with Traffic Endgame.  


Also included with the main course are a few bonuses that will help you on your journey as an internet marketer.

Bonus #1 – Products to Review
This is a Google Sheets link that has a list of various “Make Money Online” products that he recommends you create reviews for.

Bonus #2 – Epic Offers
This bonus gives you information on what he feels are some of the best high converting offers currently on affiliate networks right now. He has a handy table that shows you if the offer gives 100% affiliate commissions, lets you keep lead & buyer data, and rather or not they offer guaranteed approval.

Bonus #3 – Direct Marketing Secrets
This is a video of Gary Halbert, a legendary copywriter from the late 80s and 90s going over how to be a stellar marketer. Halbert sold multiple millions worth of products back then in a wide variety of niches largely before there was the internet. This means things were a lot harder and your marketing had to be nearly flawless to produce a good result.

Upgrades / OTOs
Three paid upgrades come along with the Traffic Endgame course. These upgrades offer additional material that’s related to the subject of traffic generation. We’ll share the price, features, and benefits of all three and leave it up to you to decide if you want to grab them.

Upgrade #1 – Ultimate Marketing Vault ( $7 )

This is a set of tools that you can plug and play and begin making money quickly. It includes Done-For-You splash pages, squeeze pages, bonus pages, emails, editable lead magnets, and a CPA Landing Page Library. It also includes training content that shows you how to work with and deploy these tools as well as priority support if you have questions.

Upgrade #2 – Secret Affiliate Insider ( $27 )

This one lets you join Tim’s private Discord server. There you will be able to network with like minded marketers and you’ll even have access to Tim himself to ask questions and seek advice.  There are several channels set up to keep things organized. There is a general chat area that is fairly busy, an affiliate support channel, an accountability channel, and advanced training channels. There is also a review access channel where you get review access to products that you might not otherwise have access. 

I honestly don’t know when Tim sleeps, he seems to always be in the there helping other members. I spend a lot of time in there myself helping Tim out and I enjoy the live chats and discussing strategies and products with all the members of SAI. Tim is great to bounce ideas around and he is a straight shooter. 

Upgrade #3 – ( Triple ) Special License Rights ( $97 )

For those marketers who aren’t ready to create their own products, Tim gives you 3 powerful funnels that you can use to begin making money. You get to keep all your leads and buyer data (which is extremely rare in this industry) and you get priority support from Tim if you need help getting these off the ground. The funnels are all in the same niche so there is also lots of opportunity for cross-promotion. This is the perfect place to start if you are a new affiliate marketer. 

Final Verdict

So would I recommend Traffic Endgame? If you’re a new to an intermediate marketer that still hasn’t quite got the traffic game figured out yet then “YES!” I would highly recommend it. Tim has a knack for simplifying the complex subject of traffic generation. The course is well laid out and packed with info and you can’t argue with the price tag of $0.00!

What about the paid upgrades? If you can afford them, they are definitely worth it. The Secret Affiliate Insider gives you access to Tim and myself directly via Discord and this could easily be sold for a whole lot more, but he’s literally giving it away.

The Ultimate Marketing Vault gives you a metric ton of tools to use to begin making money and provides videos showing you how to execute. 

The Special License Rights can shortcut you to success as well. This is a real no brainer as you have 3 different lead acquisition funnels that you can build your list and you earn 100% on the upgrades and he gives you all the buyer data as well. These products are evergreen and will be here for a long time. I wish I had something like this when I first started out in affiliate marketing.

All in all Traffic Endgame is a great offer put forward by a real “in the trenches” marketer who not only can talk the talk but can walk the walk.  Check it out on the link below and get started down the path of making a nice income for yourself with internet marketing:


I know you probably have read a lot of reviews on different products and saw a bunch of bonuses when you buy the product. I am not going to insult your intelligence by listing a bunch of PLR crap here for you as a bonus or putting products here that you will never use.

But I do want to give you bonuses that are worthwhile when you do purchase something I recommend to you. So, what I do is ask you to contact me after you make your purchase and tell me a little about where you are in your online business and what you are doing, and I will put together a bonus package just for you that will help move you further along in your online marketing journey.

Check Out Tim’s Other Products Here




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